How to order ?

This is our physical address if you want to write us a letter.

Alexandre and Sonia Poussin
11 route de Chevreuse
78470 Milon la Chapelle\\France

Our books are available in english only in the US with inkwaterpress and in South Africa with Jacana, you can easily get them through But if you are interested in getting one of our french publications, you can make a bank transfer to our bank. Please inform us when you do it so that we can follow your order.

Title Price Notes
Africa Trek - tome I 30 euros
Africa Trek - tome II 30 euros
pack Africa Trek (I & II) 55 euros
Photos album Africa Trek 50 euros
DVD (12 episodes+bonus) 25 euros \\
La Marche dans le Ciel 30 euros
Album “la Marche dans le Ciel” 40 euros
K7 VHS du film la “Marche dans le Ciel” xx euros
On a roulé sur la terre 30 euros

Our bank account has these coordinates:

Credit Lyonnais in Saint Rémy les Chevreuses (08990)

IBAN : FR55 3000 2023 5700 0000 2814 D46
Alexandre Poussin

Don’t forget to send us a mail of confirmation.

and we’ll ship you you book.

* for Canada or US add 10 euros for a global order.


Good reading and good walk !

en/about/how_to_order.txt · Dernière modification: 17/11/2009 10:18 par alexandre